2013年12月7日 星期六

The Westing Game: 繼承人遊戲

觀景窗 / 衣櫃-更衣間  /3 D 的門

這位網友,大力推薦此書。The Westing Game 繼承人遊戲
I’m just going to post an excerpt and DARE you to not want to read further.

介紹這本書,一開始看到的是閃亮發光的玻璃窗-觀景窗大樓,用的英文是:glittery, glassing
This glittery, glassy apartment house stood alone on the Lake Michigan shore five stories high. Five empty stories high.
所以每一個房間都有picture windows  in every room , 這不只是玻璃窗,是不能開的玻璃窗,盡量少框,讓景色進入眼簾。。。

Picture windows:固定式不能開的觀景窗

觀 101  大樓的 --觀景窗

duble hung windows 是上下拉的窗戶



bay window
bow window
sliding window 左右拉
double hung window 上下拉

p.18  他猛然的打開 3 D 的門,看這是不是會讓您們暫時停止呼吸?

“You’re really in luck,” Barney Northrup said. “There’s only one apartment left, but you’ll love it. It was meant for you.” He flung open the door to 3D. “Now, is that breathtaking, or is that breaktaking?”

He flung open the door to 3D 猛然打開通往3D 的門。。。,是那個叫人停止呼吸?還是那個叫人停止呼吸

Her trailing husband was less enthusiastic. “What’s this, a bedroom or a closet?” Jake Wexler asked, peering into the last room.
“It’s a bedroom, of course,” his wife replied.
“It looks like a closet.”


closet: 有門,可以想像應該是更衣間http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/closet

(especially North American Englisha small room or a space in a wall with a door that reaches the floor, used for storing thingsa walk-in closet
“I have twenty people begging for this apartment,” Barney Northrup said, lying through his buckteeth. “Take it or leave it.”

lie through your teeth

http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/lie+through+your+teeth#lie_3__36 (informalto say something that is not true at allThe witness was clearly lying through his teeth.
buckteeth : 暴牙根本鬼扯瞎說,至於滿口暴牙,是真的還是加倍誇大的說法?
p.21 現在訂,要不然就沒了!----------------Take it or Leave it (愛要不要,隨便)
http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/take+it+or+leave+it#take_1__493 somebody can take it or leave it1 used to say that you do not care if somebody accepts or rejects your offer2 used to say that somebody does not have a strong opinion about somethingDancing? I can take it or leave it.
---------------p.21 不管這個百尼,卑爾斯洛是何許人或何等人,他真是個絕佳的推銷員。Whoever, whatever else he was, Barney Northrup was a good salesman.
else 沒有翻出來。不管他還有什麼別的身份,或做什麼其他的工作,Barney Northrup 是會推銷。
-----------------------p.20 她還要訂製私人文具-天藍色帶著毛邊,她的名字跟地址會用很優雅的草書橫印在上頭And she’d have stationary made – blue with a deckle edge, her name and fancy address in swirling type across the top: Grace Windsor Wexler, Sunset Towers on the Lake Shore.
stationary:竟然很多字典沒有文具的意思,都標為形容詞,靜止不動的原來是這裡的原文就拼錯字:stationery 不是 stationary (書本沒有印錯)stationery:   在此應該理解為:信紙1. materials for writing and for using in an office, for example paper, pens and envelopes2special paper for writing letters onhttp://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/stationery

deckle edge 毛邊的信紙http://quinncreative.wordpress.com/2007/07/10/create-your-own-deckle-edge-paper/


