2013年7月8日 星期一

Veronika Decides to Die: 薇若妮卡想不開

讀翻譯小說,看到跟生活經驗不合的時候, 就是要發揮質疑精神的時候了! 把原文拿出來,對照一下,看看應該是什麼意思。

p. 53


p.43  “This syringe contains a dose of insulin,” he said, speaking in a grave, technical tone of voice. “It’s used by diabetics to combat high blood glucose. However, when the dose is much larger than normal, the consequent drop in blood glucose provokes a state of coma.”

出聲思考: 看來 drop 和 dose,對譯者來說是同一個字?drop: 一滴, dose:劑量


沒有以前: It's used to 是指胰島素(it)被糖尿病患者用來對抗高血糖

technical tone of voice: 不好懂的專業術語說法

connected with a particular subject and therefore difficult to understand if you do not know about that subjectThe article is full of technical terms.The guide is too technical for a non-specialist.

the consequent drop in blood glucose: 注射過量的胰島素,引起後來血糖下降導致昏迷 provokes a state of coma
--------------------------------------------p.53 他輕輕地按一下針頭,將多餘的空氣排掉,然後將針頭插進芮德卡右腿的靜脈中。出聲思考:怎麼可以按針頭,不怕感染嗎?按針頭可以將多餘的空氣排掉?可能嗎?
p.43  He tapped the needle lightly, to get rid of any air, and then stuck it in a vein in Zedka's right foot. 
tap 是什麼動作?tap the needle: 轻敲针筒---------------------p.55, p.56, 芮德卡正在進行一場星際之旅,
p.45astral journey, astral travel, astral projection是靈魂出體,譯成星際之旅,不好懂

Astral projection




p.41 All the other women took pills, Veronika was the only one who was given an injection. She never complained, she just wanted to know why she was given so many sedatives since she never had problems sleeping. -----------------------

p.37 A burly,shifty-looking male nurse came over, wanting to know what was going on. 
看看shifty-looking 有關的網路資料:像不像“心懷不軌”的樣子?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T55ArHjeR1cshifty-eyed dog
having the appearance of being dishonest

A shifty-looking stranger has walked past as I dicate this and I had to go into undercover mode.
OVER the past few weeks, many people will have noticed shifty-looking strangers in their neighbourhood.
When I rapped sharply on the door it was opened by a shifty-looking man with blood shot eyes, a whiskey-laden breath and a week's beard.
Dervla Murphy WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS (2002)

----------這段被 http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/480088-because-of-that-she-had-never-had-enough-energy-to 引述,結果中文翻譯就有問題:
p. 60-61

“Because of that she had never had enough energy to be herself, a person who, like everyone else in the world, needed other people in order to be happy. But other people were so difficult. They reacted in unpredictable ways, they surrounded themselves with defensive walls, they behaved just as she did, pretending they didn't care about anything. When someone more open to life appeared, they either rejected them outright or made them suffer, considering them   inferior, ingenuous.”


出聲思考:老實人為何就次等? 不太合理。

ingenuous: Someone who is ingenuous shows a childlike innocence, trust, and openness. One of the things kindergarten teachers value is the chance to work with kids while they're still relatively ingenuous––their open, trusting natures are a joy.



p. 62
It was a love that for years had tried to hide from her the difficulties and the corruption that existed in the world, ignoring the fact that, one day, she would have to find this out, and would then be defenseless against them. 

It was a love that X, ignoring the fact that Y
ignoring 分詞構句,說明 a love, 
a love that ignored the fact that ...

這種愛隱藏了事實 X, 同時忽略了事實 Y
X=the difficulties and the corruption that existed in the world
Y=one day, she would have to find this out, and would then be defenseless against them


82, 日本人會因為丟了一頂帽子而自殺。

"The Indians believe the murderer to be guilty, not society, not his parents, not his ancestors. Do the Japanese commit suicide because a son of theirs decides to take drugs and go out and shoot people? The reply is the same: no! And, as we all know, the Japanese will commit suicide at the drop of a hat. The other day I read that a young Japanese man killed himself because he had failed his university entrance exams."

at the drop of a hat: 成語,不能看字面的意思去理解:

 immediately; instantly; on the slightest signal or urging. (Alludes to the dropping of a hat as a signal.) John was always ready to go fishing at the drop of a hat. If you need help, just call on me. I can come at the drop of a hat.


83. 除了一些特定的由精神病引起的嚴重案例之外,一般人只有在他們想要擺脫日常事務時才會發瘋


 apart from certain grave pathological cases, people only go insane when they try to escape from routine. Do you understand?"

routine: 日復一日,例行公事,讓人厭煩,否則為何會想自殺?
p.83   我瞭解,她回答。如果你覺得我沒有能力照顧她,你可以省省力氣,我從來沒有想著改變我的生活。


"I do," she replied. "And if you think that I won't be capable of looking after her, you can rest assured, I've never tried to change my life."

rest assured: 放心!



出聲思考: 名字?正確的名稱 

"So just because I gave the right name to a bit of colored cloth you conclude that I'm not mad."


p.93 他卻借用了當年皇帝,國王,以及愛人們想要除掉眼中釘時喜歡用的名字為該物質命名。

出聲思考: 用名字可以除掉眼中釘?

Dr. Igor, the as-yet-unrecognized discoverer of this fatal substance, had given it the name of a poison much favored in the past by emperors, kings, and lovers of all kinds whenever they needed to rid themselves of some obstructive person.

name of a poison:  毒藥的名字 

p.94 奇怪的是從來沒有人描述過礬是一種毒藥,雖然大部份受它影響的人可以指出它的滋味,

出聲思考:前面才說(p.93 )但是這個毒藥,現在卻很不容易取得,而且非常昂貴,


It was odd that no one had ever described Vitriol as a mortal poison, although most of the people affected could identify its taste, and they referred to the process of poisoning as bitterness. To a greater or lesser degree, everyone had some bitterness in their organism, just as we are all carriers of the tuberculosis bacillus. But these two illnesses only attack when the patient is debilitated; in the case of bitterness, the right conditions for the disease occur when the person becomes afraid of so-called reality.

mortal poison: 該如何解讀?一直到死亡。。。

lasting until death

 deadlymortal enemiesThey were locked in mortal combat(= a fight that will only end with the death of one of them).http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/mortal
---------------p.109 真可恥,阿拉,耶和華,上帝 ---不管你們替他安的是什麼名字---並未居住在現在的世界,因為如果他是,我們還是會待在伊甸園,而他則是會被一大堆的上訴,情願,要求,禁制令,初審判決等陷入泥沼。。。
p.95It was a shame that Allah, Jehovah, God-it didn't matter what name you gave him-did not live in the world today, because if he did, we would still be in paradise, while he would be mired in appeals, requests, demands, injunctions, preliminary verdicts, and would have to justify to innumerable tribunals his decision to expel Adam and Eve from paradise for breaking an arbitrary rule with no foundation in law: Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat.
  shame 有不止一種解釋:查字典的時候,要看哪個合適?a shame: http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/shameused to say that something is a cause for feeling sad or disappointed
 pityWhat a shame they couldn't come. 

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  1. http://mybelles-lettres.blogspot.tw/2008/03/veronika-decides-to-die.html

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